二手Rigaku ZSX primus波长色散型荧光光谱,Rigaku,ZSX primus
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X-射线荧光光谱仪(XRF),现有日本Rigaku公司生产的ZSX primus波长色散型XRF一台,及配套所必须的电源设备、冷循环水设备和前处理熔样机等。X射线荧光光谱分析技术制样简单、分析快速方便、应用广泛,可用于测定包括岩石、土壤、沉积物等在内的各种地质样品的化学组成。分析元素范围从Be(4)到U(92),zui常见的是用于主量元素分析,如SiO2、Al2O3、CaO、Fe2O3T、K2O、MgO、MnO、Na2O、P2O5、TiO2、LOI等元素。
(1) 功能:定性分析、半定量分析和定量分析;
(2) X射线管:4KW超薄端窗型(30μm)、铑靶X射线管;
(3) 分光晶体:LiF(200)、Ge(111)、PET、RX25、LiF(220);
(4) 进样器:48位自动样品交换器;
(5) 测角仪:SC:5-118度(2θ);PC:13-148度(2θ);
(6) 分析元素范围:Be4-U92;
(7) 线性范围:10-2 - 10-6;
(8) 仪器稳定度:≤0.05%;
(9) 测量误差:<5%。
X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (XRF)
1、Instrument Introducation:
The wavelength dispersion X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XRF) is ZSX primus, made by Rigaku, Japan, with a set of instruments of electrical power unit, cold circulating water equipment and automatic fusion machine. XRF is widely used for geological element analysis, including rocks, soils, sediments, etc, which is simplicity and convenience of operation. Its analyzable elements range is from Be (4) to U (92). XRF is most common for the analysis of major elements, such as SiO2, Al2O3, CaO, Fe2O3T, K2O, MgO, MnO, Na2O, P2O5, TiO2 and LOI.
2、Instrument Technical Parameters:
(1) Fucation: qualitative analysis, semi-quantitative analysis and quantitative analysis;
(2) X-ray tube: 4KW ultrathin end-window (30μm) Rh target X-ray tube;
(3) Analyzing crystals: LiF(200), Ge(111), PET, RX25, LiF(220);
(4) Sample injector: 48-bit automatic sample changement;
(5) Angular instrument: SC: 5-118° (2θ); PC: 13-148° (2θ).
(6) Analyzable elements range: Be4-U92;
(7) Linear range: 10-2 - 10-6;
(8) Stability: ≤0.05%;
(9) Analysis error: <5%.
3、Application and advantage
XRF is widely used to analy major elements and trace elements in geological rocks, minerals, soils, plants, sediments, metallurgy, mining industry, steel, chemical products, etc. It is fast, convenient, simple, nondestructive, widely used and high sensitivity.